Have you ever drunk Coca Cola? Probably no one say no, right?
What image or feeling does it come into your mind first when talking about Coca Cola?
These images are given by Coca Cola through the promotion activities and the slogans, like Always Coca-Cola in 1993, Coca-Cola Enjoy in 2000, Life Tastes Good in 2001, Make It Real in 2005 etc. The simulacrum of images showed that Coca Cola belongs to post-modern which the identity is assembled by various cultural artifacts.
Coca Cola is a very famous global brand in the world. Almost everyone knows about it, no matter in developed or developing countries, and you can probably get Coca Cola everywhere. In fact, many companies go global nowadays as they are affected by globalization. But, what is globalization?
Globalization What is it?
Globalization refers primarily to the ways in which economic and industrial institutions interact in various locations throughout the world, with primacy given to no specific geographic location.
As a fact, it is the real economic ties, institutions, and realities that underlie a new economy.
As a value, it is the extent to which we seek further integration of markets, pools of capital, and industries.
(Randy Kluver, Globalization, Informatization, and Intercultural Communication)
So, how does it affect us? For example, how does it affect our culture and our cultural identity?
Before we think about these questions, we should know what culture and cultural identity is.
Do you know the real meaning of Culture ?
"Culture, typically, is defined as a symbolic system, which includes issues of perception, cognition, and understanding. Rather, Geertz (1973) defines it as a set of symbolic systems which serve not only to define and identify the culture and social structures, but also to articulate the synthesis of two essential parts of human culture, ethos and world view." (Randy Kluver, Globalization, Informatization, and Intercultural Communication)
Functions of Culture:
Culture provides us with identity as well as social order.
(Frank, Culture, Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communication [Powerpoint])
Cultural Identity can represent us
"Cultural identity refers to an individual’s sense of self derived from formal or informal membership in groups that transmit and inculcate knowledge, beliefs, values, attitudes, traditions, and ways of life. It involves historical perspective, focusing on the transmission of knowledge and values between generations. It is an internal state that depends on self-perception." (Daphne A. Jameson, 2007, Re-conceptualizing cultural identity and its role in intercultural business communication)
Components of Cultural Identity:
"l Vocation is relevant to business, technical, and professional communication.
l Class often defines groups of people who share common values, behavior, and attitudes.
l Geography creates cultural groups not only in terms of nationality but also regional differences which affect values, attitudes, and behaviours of large groups of people.
l Philosophy, like religion, defines cultural groups that cut across nationality and ethnicity.
l Language defines cultural groups, as well as being the most frequently used symbolic system through which culture is conveyed.
l Biology, like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, health and age, also has importance in cultural identity. "
(Daphne A. Jameson, 2007, Re-conceptualizing cultural identity and its role in intercultural business communication)
Let’s go back to our question:
How globalization affects our culture and cultural identity?
Globalization Diversifies Our Choices!!
Under the stage of globalization and informatization, we have almost the same products supplied by the global brands. Will our local culture ultimately be the same under homogenization and standardization?
Some argue that “globalization undermines centuries of tradition, local autonomy and cultural integrity” (Randy Kluver, Globalization, Informatization, and Intercultural Communication) and like Benjamin Barver, he thinks that globalization would probably assault our culture, such as the “fast” of fast food is an assault on how we live (Policy Forum, 2003, Globalization and Culture).
However, we think that only a part of these is true. The local culture, eating habits, and social behaviours changed due to the local adaption of the global brands. But at the same time, it actually diversifies our choices. We have more choices than the past. For example, you can have fast food when you’re in a rush. You can have milk, tea or soft drinks when you’re thirsty. Do you ever imagine if tea is your only choice for drink? Those twin forces will not just take over our own culture, but modify our culture and add more value to it.
Coca Cola changed our drinking habits, especially for the youths. But, will people drink only Coca Cola with their meals and give up milk tea, a popular drink come from HK? Like what Cowen has said that “Fast dining is not destroying slow dining; in fact, the two are growing together as the size of market increases.” (Policy Forum, 2003, Globalization and Culture) These twin forces push us to have a mutual exchange of cultures, but not to take over the other one. We sustain our good things and accept some excellent things from other cultures.
In fact, Coca Cola is selling the “Open happiness” to all countries. This concept has no big conflict between the Coca Cola and other countries’ cultures. So, it can be sustained and adopted by other people in different cultures. The entry of Coca Cola does not destroy the cultural integrity and the tradition. But it adds more value to the local culture and enjoy the product that origin from other cultures.
Coca Cola go Global!
Coca-Cola Company launched “Coke Side of Life” in 2006 globally (Coca Cola Company, 2006). This campaign promoted positive life and make people to choose Coke. The company aimed to make Coke more relevant to customers by creating a multicultural platform in markets across the world. There are some slogans in this campaign: “Open the coke, your life will be very happy”, “Open the coke and smile’ and “Open the coke and think positively”.
In 2009, Coca Cola introduced “Open Happiness” campaign to serve as the platform for all integrated marketing for brand Coca-Cola globally (Marketing case studies,2009) . New point of sale, promotion, outdoor and print advertising, digital and music components are the elements of the “Open Happiness” campaign. This campaign invited people who love to pause and refresh themselves to enjoy one of life’s simple pleasures.
Let’s Communicate with Coca Cola ~
The Coca-Cola Company’s websites are different in different countries:
Hong Kong
United States
Different styles, languages and outlooks can facilitate the communication between customers all over the world and the Coca-Cola Company because the specific design can give friendliness to the customers. Coca-Cola Company actually reduces conflicts or inconveniences in the processes of intercultural communication.
Coca-Cola also uses facebook to let the different countries’ fans communicate with each other (Coca Cola website of United States, 2009). It actually conveniences the intercultural communication because it gives a common platform for people to communicate and those who have facebook can share, connect and communicate with others Coca-Cola fans.
Although Coca-Cola is sold in different places of world, it does not mean everyone will accept the product. In 2009, since the United States support Israel to attack Gaza, the Malayans that are Islam boycotts Coca Cola in order to protest (RTHK,2009). It is because the Coca-Cola Company is the American company. Coca-Cola actually cannot get rid of the American image, so it will be easily attacked by the people who dissatisfy with the US. The local culture identity is very strong in countries with religious background and Coca-Cola is not easily to change them.
In 2005, there are many anti of Coca-Cola in Europe, US, Columbia and India because of the irresponsibility of the production activities: exploitation of employees’ rights and destroying of the environment (POTS,2006). These issues make environmentalists and people, who concern the human right, have a poor image of Coca-Cola. They may dispute the products of Coca-Cola and also the culture and concept of Coca-Cola because of their individual cultural identity.
People in these country, they respect the employees right and human right so they expected others to do the same. And they are eager to protect the earth and the environment. If they consume Coca Cola which means they are not the person who respect the rights and like to protect the environment, and they accept what Coca Cola did in the irresponsibility activities. So there is the conflict exist.
How about in Hong Kong? We like it?
When we plan for a party, Coca-Cola must be one of the items on our list. Why is the Coca-Cola always associated with parties, ceremony and happiness in Hong Kong? There are several reasons; the packing of Coca-Cola is a very important factor. Red is representing happiness in Chinese culture which is greatly affecting Hong Kong. So, Hong Kong people are happy to see the Coca-Cola in party and like to have Coca-Cola to celebrate some festival like Lunar New Year.
Also, Coca-Cola builds up an image which is young and joyful by the advertisements. It uses Hong Kong Pop-singer to be their spokesman like Joey Yung which can help them to target the teenager market. The content of these advertisements is always related to party or happy things.
It changed the taste of Hong Kong people. In the past, Hong Kong people like to have other kinds of drink during the meal like lemon tea, milk tea and coffee. Now, Coca-Cola is obviously one of the popular beverages for Hong Kong people. Today, Coca-Cola provides many favors to suite the taste of Hong Kong people. For example, Hong Kong people emphasize healthy and low fat diet. So, Coca-Cola Company produces Coke-Zero (0 Calories) and Coke-Light (Lower than 1 Calories). Also, Coca-Cola produce the lemon-favored Coca-Cola and Coke-Light as Hong Kong people like to add lemon to the normal Coca-Cola. So, they can enjoy the lemon favored Coca-Cola in a more convenient way.
Try to be the Best!
As mentioned before, there are some Anti-Coca Cola activities due to the cultural differences. To minimize these activities, we suggest that Coca Cola try to separate its image from being America. Thus, it is more easily for people who dissatisfy with the US in accepting Coca Cola.

Second, Coca Cola should do more charitable activities, such as donate the poor or people in needs. Its image will be improved as Coca Cola showed its social responsibility. Thus, Coca Cola will have good public relations.
Also, Coca Cola should try to protect the environment. For example, they can try to use more environmental-friendly materials to produce the products. Besides, Coca Cola should not exploit the employees. Thus, Coca Cola will build up a better and more positive image in the world.
Randy Kluver, Globalization, Informatization, and Intercultural Communication
Frank, Culture, Cultural Identity and Intercultural Communication [Powerpoint]
Daphne A. Jameson, 2007, Re-conceptualizing cultural identity and its role in intercultural business communication
Policy Forum, 2003, Globalization and Culture
(Marketing Case studies, 2009 http://www.icmrindia.org/casestudies/catalogue/Marketing/MKTG228.htm,)
(Coca Cola website of United States, 2009 http://www.coca-cola.com/index.jsp)
(Coca Cola website of Hong Kong, 2009 http://www.icoke.hk/coke2009/)
(RTHK, 2009
(POTS, 2006 http://pots.tw/node/1)
Let us elaborate more on the point of “fast dinning & slow dinning grow together”. Hong Kong is the place that can retain our own culture and fuse with other cultures at the same time. For examples, we can see different kinds of restaurant in Hong Kong such as American fast food restaurants, Thai and Vietnam style restaurants even French restaurants. But Chinese restaurant and Cha chaan teng (Chinese tea restaurant) can retain in our society in globalization. They are still very popular among us. Moreover, we can choose cakes like tiramisu which come from other cultures and egg tart which come from Hong Kong originally. It is definitely diversifying our choices.
Apart from the drinking habit, Coca Cola has changed our cultural identities. Coca Cola now almost equals to relax and happiness in our cognition. Our behaviors also changed during the gathering with our parents or relatives. We chose to meet at a typical Chinese restaurant and usually drink tea. However, when we gather with friends, we have Coca Cola because Coke makes us relax and enjoy more fun. We know both of them can coexist.
Each coin has two sides. The positive effect of globalization provided enterprise with a method of lowering the cost like outsourcing, diversifying their target markets to increase sales and a huge market for entry. But, the dark side is to standardize our products and increases the competition among the local firms. However, for our stand to globalization, we think the advantages actually overwhelm the disadvantages because we enjoy the countless benefits that globalization brings to us rather than the loss.
Someone asked why we mainly focused on Coca Cola. It is because our topic is about the global brand, Coca Cola, and its relationship with globalization and intercultural communication. As the Coca Cola main product is Coca Cola and it affect the intercultural communication so much comparing to others such as Qoo, BonAqua and Spirte. That’s why we mainly focus on coca cola specifically, instead of mentioning numbers of products of the Coca Cola Company.
Regarding the question of using more environmental friendly materials, in fact, Coca Cola Company can recycle and reuse the cans at a higher rate. Since the packaging of the Coca Cola can be reused, Coca Cola can set up a department to do the recycle process. Besides, Coca Cola should reduce the plastic bottle packaging since plastic is not easily biodegraded. Moreover, material, which is easily recycled, should be used in the packaging, such as glass and metal.
For the query of the slogan, actually, the message from Coca Cola to the customers are targeted to different age group and cultures. Since “happiness” culture can go through every country, every age group and gender without making conflict with people, it seems that everyone is easier to accept this culture. Hence, Coca Cola can use the slogans to spread their concept and easily let the people to remember. Once the slogans remembered by the people, when they drink the products, they will think about the drinks can really give them happiness. It is known as a kind of psychological effect.
For the question of whether Hong Kong people really like Coca Cola and ask for the evidence, here, we are sorry about that we do not have any actual figure to show. But, in our point of view, Hong Kong people do really like Coca Cola as we may see Coca Cola in many events and parties. By this phenomenon, we can assume that Coca Cola is famous and popular among Hong Kong people. What’s more, we can simply buy Coca Cola everywhere in Hong Kong, no matter in supermarkets, convenience stores, or even automats. If Hong Kong people do not like Coca Cola, we wouldn’t get it easily since the company of Coca Cola will quit the Hong Kong’s market and find another profitable market.
To improve intercultural communication, internally, the company should provide some guidelines and best practice of communication for her employees within different countries and different culture backgrounds. Thus, her employees can have better intercultural communication within the company. Besides, company should provide training for the employees in communication skills, which help to avoid the breakdown of communication. Externally, company should understand more on customers’ cultures and do the local adaptation.
Someone doubts that improving company image does not mean company will have a better brand image. In some extent, we agree that company image does not equal to brand image or product image, so that improving company image is not equivalent to have better brand image. Yet, we think that if company image is bad in the eyes of public, the brand image won’t be good and public won’t buy product from such kind of company. Thus, company image should be improved in order to get a greater acceptance from public along with improving the brand image.
Thank you for you guys comment. Coca Cola has a great impact on our culture. No matter the good sides and the dark sides that bring to us. We appreciate the comments that all of you have left and the debate that started. We did some changes according to all comments and hope all of you can enjoy the extension of the Coca Cola and have fun again.